The Intelligence Age: A Bold Vision for Humanity's Future by Sam Altman
In his latest blog post The Intelligence Age (September 23, 2024), Sam Altman paints an awe-inspiring vision of a future transformed by AI, where humanity’s capabilities are expanded beyond imagination. He argues that in the coming decades, AI will unlock breakthroughs that would have seemed like magic to previous generations, enabling us to solve problems we once thought unsolvable—everything from climate change to establishing space colonies.
Altman believes AI will bring about a level of shared prosperity so vast that it will make today’s wealth seem trivial. He sees a future where every individual has access to personal AI teams of virtual experts, revolutionizing education, healthcare, and creative endeavors. However, Altman cautions that this future depends on making compute and energy abundant to ensure AI’s benefits are accessible to all, not just the wealthy few.
He is confident that deep learning, the core engine of AI, will continue to scale and get better, driving progress that leads to unimaginable triumphs. While there will be challenges, such as shifts in labor markets, Altman argues that AI will allow humanity to focus on higher-purpose endeavors and create a world brimming with new opportunities. For him, the Intelligence Age promises a future so bright and prosperous that it defies any attempt to fully capture it today.
To read the blog post click here.